March 29, 2023

Ep 31: How to Beat Imposter Syndrome and Master the Practice Mindset w/ Joe Cramond

Ep 31: How to Beat Imposter Syndrome and Master the Practice Mindset w/ Joe Cramond

In this insightful episode, host Andrew welcomes Joe Crammond, a competitive bodybuilder, peak performance coach, and entrepreneur. They discuss various topics including overcoming insecurities, pushing oneself out of their comfort zone, and the...

In this insightful episode, host Andrew welcomes Joe Crammond, a competitive bodybuilder, peak performance coach, and entrepreneur. They discuss various topics including overcoming insecurities, pushing oneself out of their comfort zone, and the importance of discipline in achieving success. Here are the top 10 key takeaways from their conversation:


  • Joe shares his difficult upbringing and how it taught him to overcome struggles and persevere.

  • He explains his journey into competitive bodybuilding and the support he received from an ex-professional bodybuilder.

  • Joe shares his relationship struggles while being a competitive athlete.

  • To improve oneself, Joe suggests taking small steps, building discipline, staying active, and reducing toxic habits.

  • The importance of goal-setting, journaling, and having role models for maintaining discipline is discussed.

  • Joe shares his admiration for Arnold Schwarzenegger and his successful transition from bodybuilding to various ventures.

  • He offers tips on setting a routine, exercising early in the morning, and avoiding the snooze button for maintaining discipline and motivation.

  • Joe's current focus is on helping business owners, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders gain credibility and drive business through podcast appearances.

  • They discuss imposter syndrome and how practice can improve communication skills and self-confidence.

  • Joe offers advice on creating momentum and quick wins, including journaling, creating a structured life, incorporating exercise, and reaching your goals


7 Day Action Steps:


  1.  Get a journal and write down the person you want to become in the next year

  2. Create order in your life - even if it’s simply making your bed every day

  3. Exercise Every day - Even if it’s a walk in the morning.

